Coming off Mounjaro

Mounjaro is a weight loss treatment medication containing the active ingredient tirzepatide. Although it’s meant to be taken long-term, you should eventually stop treatment once you’ve reached your goal weight. There are also other reasons for stopping, such as not losing weight or getting side effects.

In this guide we provide all the information on how and when to stop Mounjaro, and what to expect, so you can make your decision on your next step on your weight loss journey with confidence.

Brenda Ikeji

Medically reviewed by

Dr Brenda Ikeji

Last reviewed: 21 Jan 2025

How to come off Mounjaro

If you’re considering coming off Mounjaro, it’s important to be sure of the reasons you want to stop, then you should get in touch with your doctor so they can help you stop safely.

Deciding to come off Mounjaro

There are a range of reasons why you may want to come off Mounjaro, for example, you:

  • may feel it’s not right for you anymore
  • are experiencing side effects that are not getting better or that are affecting your life
  • have reached your weight loss goals and want to continue without medication
  • have not lost at least 5% of your starting weight in 6 months after increasing your dose up to 15mg (the highest maintenance dose of Mounjaro)

Remember that weight loss on Mounjaro takes time and you need to be committed to a healthy diet and exercise plan to see results. While side effects can happen early on when you first start and when you increase your dose, these usually go away on their own.

No matter your reason for wanting to come off Mounjaro, it is important to do what feels right for you. It is safe to come off Mounjaro, you just need to consult your doctor first.

Should I consult a doctor before stopping Mounjaro?

Yes. Regardless of your reason for stopping Mounjaro, you should consult your doctor first. When stopping Mounjaro, you may experience side effects, such as blood sugar spikes.

Everyone reacts differently stopping treatment, just like everyone experiences different effects when starting it. Your doctor can guide you based on your conditions and circumstances.

Feeling Mounjaro is not right for you anymore

If you’re still looking to lose weight, your doctor may suggest an alternative treatment like Wegovy or liraglutide that both contain a similar active ingredient. You could also try weight loss tablets like orlistat or alli instead.

Experiencing side effects

If you are experiencing side effects that are troubling you and affecting your daily life, your doctor may suggest you stop taking your treatment. However, if side effects are mild they may suggest you manage them at home and wait to see if they go away before suggesting you stop Mounjaro.

Things like what kind of Mounjaro diet plan you follow can have an impact on your side effects, especially ones related to your stomach. So, it’s also important to look into what you’re eating alongside your treatment and what may help reduce your side effects, such as avoiding heavy, fatty, spicy, and greasy meals, or caffeinated and fizzy drinks.

Having reached your weight loss goals

Your doctor should be able to advise the best way to come off Mounjaro and suggest actions to put in place to maintain your weight loss.

Your doctor will adjust the advice they give you according to:

  • how long you have been taking Mounjaro
  • the dose you are currently taking

What happens when you stop taking Mounjaro?

When you stop taking Mounjaro you may experience:

  • weight regain
  • blood sugar increase (this is more likely if you also have diabetes)
  • appetite increase
  • a stop to any side effects

People experience coming off Mounjaro differently. If you have concerns about what you may experience when coming off Mounjaro, speak with your doctor.

Do you gain weight back after stopping Mounjaro?

You can. As your body adjusts to Mounjaro leaving your system, the effects of tirzepatide which controlled your cravings before, will stop. As a result, you may feel your appetite increase again as the hormones in your body readjust to the way they were before taking Mounjaro.

Clinical trials have found patients experienced a 14% weight gain when stopping Mounjaro after taking it for a sustained period (36 weeks).

However, it is possible to stop Mounjaro without gaining weight back if you stick to your diet and exercise plan and monitor your habits closely.

How can I maintain my weight after stopping the medication?

There are a range of methods for maintaining your weight loss goals after stopping treatment.

Keep a diary and tracker

Staying motivated is an important part of sustaining a successful weight loss journey and staying on top of your goals.

We recommend keeping a diary or tracker to monitor your progress so that you are aware of the next steps to take along the way. These diaries and planners can also be helpful when planning your meals and managing your fitness and lifestyle.

It’s natural for progress to ebb and flow, especially when you are thinking of coming off weight loss medication. Keeping a tracker can help you navigate this process to your next successful goal.

Eat healthy and get regular exercise

We always recommend lifestyle changes when you first begin taking weight loss medication like Mounjaro. Ensure you keep on top of the necessary changes that you made alongside your treatment with Mounjaro and stick to the exercise routines in place. As you lose weight, these will likely need to be adjusted so that you can keep losing weight, or maintain your current weight.

If you have been undergoing treatment with us at ZAVA, our in-house nutritionist would have provided you with trackers, plans and ideas to stay on top of your balanced meals and exercise. These are still relevant even when stopping Mounjaro.

If you need further guidance, take a look at:

Avoid stress

Stress can often lead to eating more and makes it harder for you to maintain your weight loss. You can get on top of your worries and stress levels by:

  • doing mindfulness practices like yoga, meditation, or breathwork
  • doing light exercise like walking, or more intense exercise like weight training or running (as exercise releases feel-good hormones)
  • seeking support – via Talking Therapies, or reaching out to friends or family

Staying on top of your stress levels through mindfulness has been clinically proven to help maintain weight loss. Patients who had recently reached their weight loss goals were observed while practising mindfulness activities over 6 months and there were little to no changes in their weight.

Get plenty of sleep

Clinical studies have found that not getting enough sleep increases the chances of regaining weight during weight loss maintenance. Be sure to get plenty of rest to prevent the likelihood of regaining weight after stopping Mounjaro.

Seek support

It can feel disheartening to gain weight after a successful weight loss journey. Don’t be afraid to seek out support and tell your doctor or pharmacist the thoughts you might be having throughout your journey. Everyone’s progress with weight loss looks different and there is no right way to lose weight. There are also online support groups for weight loss.

If you are struggling with your mental health during your weight loss journey, speak to your doctor as they may recommend Talking Therapy. You can also speak to a therapist or counsellor privately.

Why does weight gain happen after stopping Mounjaro?

When you stop taking Mounjaro, the hormones that control your appetite, food cravings, and blood sugar levels return to how they were before taking the medication.

As your appetite returns, this can make it harder to stick to a healthy diet. It’s possible that you will return to your eating habits before treatment, which can lead to weight gain.

What are the side effects when stopping Mounjaro?

Stopping Mounjaro does not cause side effects. However, if you already have side effects, these may persist until the medication has fully left your system. Mounjaro will be in your system for 30 days after stopping, during this time, you may still experience digestion-related side effects like:

  • stomach upset
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • constipation

Do you get withdrawal symptoms when you stop Mounjaro?

Stopping Mounjaro is not known to cause withdrawal symptoms. Tirzepatide stays in your system for 30 days, during this time you may still experience side effects.

Can you get Mounjaro out of your system quickly?

There is no way to get Mounjaro out of your system faster than the amount of time it naturally will clear out of your system.

It will take around 30 days for Mounjaro to clear from your system. Your body needs this time to safely remove it.

Mounjaro is a long-acting, long-term medication which, when first starting, is gradually increased in dosage (titrated) over 4-week intervals. You must be patient when stopping Mounjaro, and ensure that you are still following your lifestyle and exercise changes to maintain the weight you have lost during your journey with the treatment.

Can you start Mounjaro again after stopping?

Yes, if your doctor recommends it and feels it is suitable for you.

If you do start Mounjaro again after stopping, your doctor will recommend that you start from the beginning of the dosage schedule again. Gradually increasing your dose from 2.5mg once a week with guidance will minimise side effects of the treatment. Starting Mounjaro again at a higher dose is not safe, even if you did not get side effects the first time you took it.

However, if you are thinking about stopping or have stopped taking Mounjaro due to side effects, we recommend that you do not take Mounjaro again and consider other weight loss treatments.

Will I get more side effects from stopping Mounjaro and starting it again?

You can. Some people experience gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, stomach ache and constipation when starting Mounjaro again. However, this is due to the body adjusting to the medication again, not because of restarting Mounjaro.

If you stopped taking Mounjaro or are thinking of stopping taking Mounjaro due to side effects, these will likely return if you take the medication again.

Can I switch to another weight loss treatment?

Yes. If you would like to switch to another weight loss treatment such as Wegovy or liraglutide (generic Saxenda) from Mounjaro, this is possible. You should speak to your doctor and they will guide you through the necessary steps.

You may want to switch to another weight loss medication if:

  • the price of Mounjaro is no longer suitable
  • you are experiencing side effects with Mounjaro
  • you are no longer finding Mounjaro to be effective

Switching from Mounjaro to Wegovy

You will need to wait at least 5 weeks before you can take Wegovy (semaglutide) after stopping Mounjaro (tirzepatide).

After 5 weeks, you start taking Wegovy at the lowest dose, once weekly, for 4 weeks (0.25mg). These doses will be titrated (gradually increased) every 4 weeks. If you are happy with how your progress is going, for example, if you are not experiencing uncomfortable side effects and you are comfortable with taking Wegovy, your doctor will continue to prescribe your doses.

Here is an overview of the differences between Mounjaro and Wegovy doses:

Weeks Mounjaro dose (mg) Wegovy dose (mg)
1 to 4 2.5 0.25
5 to 8 5.0 0.5
9 to 12 7.5 1
13 to 16 10 1.7
17 to 20 12.5 2.4 (maintenance)
21+ 15 (maintenance) 2.4 (maintenance)

Switching from Mounjaro to liraglutide (generic Saxenda)

You will need to wait at least 5 weeks before you can take liraglutide after taking Mounjaro (tirzepatide).

After 5 weeks, you will start taking liraglutide at the lowest dose (0.6mg) once daily. The dosage will be gradually increased by 0.6mg each week, over 5 weeks, until you reach the maximum maintenance dosage. Dose increases can take place more slowly, and it is important to follow the guidance your doctor provides to ensure you transition safely.

Liraglutide dosage:

  • 0.6mg
  • 1.2mg
  • 1.8mg
  • 2.4mg
  • 3mg

If you think switching to Wegovy or liraglutide could be right for you, you can begin a consultation with one of our online doctors today.

Frequently asked questions

Will stopping Mounjaro affect my metabolism?

Yes, stopping Mounjaro can affect your metabolism. Mounjaro slightly alters the way your metabolism works. So, when you stop taking Mounjaro, your metabolism is likely to return to how it was before treatment.

Will I lose the progress I made if I stop taking Mounjaro?

You may lose progress that you made if you stop taking Mounjaro, but this is completely natural and varies from person to person. People can see up to a 14% weight regain when stopping Mounjaro. When you stop taking Mounjaro, your body adjusts to the way it works before treatment. This means you will regain your appetite, and may feel hungrier than you did during your treatment with Mounjaro.

If Mounjaro isn’t right for you, you should stop taking it. You can maintain your progress by following the advice of your doctor, and by keeping track of your goals and weight fluctuations. Stay on track with your lifestyle changes to your diet and exercise routine.

Can exercise and diet help prevent weight regain after stopping Mounjaro?

Yes, exercise and diet can help contribute towards maintaining your weight loss after stopping Mounjaro.

However, other factors such as emotional wellbeing and sleep also contribute to weight loss maintenance. If you have stopped taking Mounjaro and have continued with your exercise routines and balanced diet yet are still gaining weight, you may want to assess your sleep pattern and stress levels.

Lack of sleep has been clinically proven to be linked to weight gain. High stress levels also lead to cortisol peaks that can cause weight gain and stronger cravings.

How long can you safely take Mounjaro for?

You can take Mounjaro for as long as your doctor prescribes it to you. You will usually be prescribed Mounjaro until you reach your weight loss goal. Studies have found people lose up to 22.5% of their starting weight whilst taking the highest maintenance dose of 15mg after 72 weeks. Further studies found that patients safely maintained an 80% weight loss when prescribed Mounjaro for 88 weeks.

How long do the effects of Mounjaro last after stopping?

Mounjaro will stay in your system for around 30 days after stopping it. During this time, you may still experience side effects of Mounjaro as your hormones adjust to their original state before you started your treatment with Mounjaro. During this time you may begin to feel your appetite come back and regain weight.

There is no way to get Mounjaro out of your system quickly, you should follow your doctor’s guidance to come off Mounjaro in a way that is safe and suitable for you.

Can stopping Mounjaro affect other medications I’m taking?

Yes, in some cases. Your doctor can advise the best way to come off Mounjaro that is suitable and safe for you, keeping the medications you are taking in mind. This is especially the case for diabetic patients, as some medications like insulin are adjusted during Mounjaro treatment and will need readjusting when you come off Mounjaro.

Medically reviewed by

brenda-ikeji.png Dr Brenda Ikeji

Brenda studied medicine at St Georges University of London and has most recently worked in John Radcliffe Oxford University Hospitals, covering acute and general medicine.

Last reviewed: 21 Jan 2025


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