This swab test is recommended if you have had unprotected anal sex. It allows you to check for chlamydia and gonorrhoea infections of the anus without having to see a doctor.
You can collect a sample from your anus using the swab provided within your test kit. It comes with a prepaid envelope, so you can send your sample to our UK-accredited laboratory for free.
About the test kit
Our test kit for anal infections makes it easy for you to check your sexual health status without having to visit a GUM clinic or GP. Chlamydia and gonorrhoea are sexually transmitted diseases which can be passed on during anal sex and cause an infection in the anus. Standard STI testing usually consists of a urine sample or vaginal swab, neither of which are suitable for detecting an anal infection.
The rectal swab test is recommended for anyone who has had unprotected anal sex with a partner who may have chlamydia or gonorrhoea. To get tested, you'll use a swab to collect a sample from your rectum. The test kit includes a pre-addressed and pre-paid envelope for posting your sample to our partner lab.
It will take the lab between 1 and 3 working days to analyse your sample and provide your test results, which you can view when you log in to your ZAVA patient record. We'll notify you via email when your results are available to view.
You should wait at least 2 weeks after the episode of unprotected sex before testing. If you do not, the results may indicate there is no infection even when there is.
Gonorrhoea is a sexually transmitted infection which can also cause symptoms that affect the genital area or anus. In some cases, the infection does not cause any noticeable symptoms. As a result, many people who are infected continue to have unprotected sex, unaware that they are passing on the disease. Gonorrhoea is usually treated with a combination of an injection of ceftriaxone and azithromycin. Your sexual health clinic will often take tests to confirm the most effective antibiotics for you, which can vary depending on whether there is resistance to the antibiotics.
While most people are aware that they can catch STIs during unprotected sex, many wrongly assume that this does not apply to anal sex. However, anal chlamydia is very common and it often goes undiagnosed. A study by the sexual health clinic at London’s Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, found that 8% of the men who have sex with men attending the clinic for STI testing had anal chlamydia. 69% of the men whose test results came back positive had not experienced any symptoms.
It's important to get diagnosed and treated as soon after infection as possible. Chlamydia does not only cause complications, it also increases your risk of being infected with other STIs, such as HIV. 38% of the men who had a positive test result for anal chlamydia were also diagnosed with HIV.
Although anal chlamydia often remains symptomless, it can cause symptoms like as:
- diarrhoea
- swelling
- bleeding or discharge
- rectal pain
If you've had unprotected anal sex, you should get tested for STI infections in the anus. It's also advisable that you get tested for HIV.
You can avoid infection by using a condom every time you have sex regardless of whether you are having oral, anal or vaginal intercourse. You should ideally only have unprotected sex if you and your partner have both tested negative for STIs.
Dr Simran Deo qualified from St George’s, University of London in medicine in 2006 with a distinction in her written finals. She went on to specialise in general practice, obtaining the MRCGP certification in 2012. In 2014 she received a merit for the Diploma in Dermatology from Cardiff University.
Meet our doctorsLast reviewed: 30 Apr 2020
Chlamydia - uncomplicated genital, NICE/Clinical Knowledge Summaries [accessed February 2023]
Chlamydia, National Health Service [accessed February 2023]
Gonorrhoea, National Health Service [accessed February 2023]
Gonorrhoea, Sexwise [accessed February 2023]
Chlamydia, Sexwise [accessed February 2023]
ZAVA offers a convenient and discreet service to test for sexually transmitted infections. You will receive your test kit by post. Follow the instructions provided with the test kit and collect a sample (depending on the test kit this could be a blood, saliva, urine sample or genital swab). The test kit comes with an envelope, ready to send to our partner laboratory which will analyse your sample. Once your result has come back, you will be able to view it in your secure ZAVA account. We will never send medical or personal information via email.