Associated tests
Chlamydia and gonorrhea are bacterial infections, which can occur in the genitals, anus or throat. Chlamydia or gonorrhea infections of the throat cannot be detected with a urine test and need to be checked for by using an oral swab.
About the oral chlamydia gonorrhea test kit
Chlamydia and gonorrhea infections of the throat are very common. The bacteria which causes these STIs is easily transmitted during oral sex, especially when a condom is not used. Both infections can cause complications and require antibiotic treatment. If you have had unprotected oral sex with someone whose sexual health status you are unaware of, you should consider getting checked for oral infections.
The test kit includes a swab, which is used to take a sample from your throat, and a leaflet containing detailed instructions to follow. You must follow these instructions carefully to ensure your test result is accurate. When you have taken the sample as explained on the leaflet, you should place it in the pre-addressed and prepaid envelope provided. You can post it in any post box.
Once the laboratory has received your sample, it will take one to three days for your results to become available. You will receive your result via your electronic patient record. We will send you an email asking you to login to your patient record - we will never send you confidential information such as a test result via email. If your result is positive for either or both infections, you will require treatment. If your test result is negative, you do not carry either infection in the throat and will not require any treatment.
Treatment of oral chlamydia or gonorrhoea can be obtained from your GP or local sexual health clinic.
You should wait at least 2 weeks after the episode of unprotected sex before testing. If you do not, your results may indicate there is no infection even when there is.
Oral chlamydia is transmitted when you have unprotected oral sex with someone who carries the infection. It is passed from the sexual organs to your mouth and throat, where the bacteria continue to live and multiply. The infection does not necessarily cause any symptoms, so you may not notice that you have it. If you have had unprotected oral sex with a partner who might have chlamydia, you should get tested.
You can avoid infection by using a condom every time you have sex - regardless of whether you are having oral, anal or vaginal intercourse. You should ideally only have unprotected sex if you and your partner have both tested negative for STIs.
Chlamydia is not the only STI which can be transmitted orally. Like chlamydia, gonorrhea of the throat is often symptomless. However, in some cases it has been found to cause symptoms such as a sore throat, pain and discharge. Using a condom every time you have sex will protect you from catching oral gonorrhea.
Dr Simran Deo qualified from St George’s, University of London in medicine in 2006 with a distinction in her written finals. She went on to specialise in general practice, obtaining the MRCGP certification in 2012. In 2014 she received a merit for the Diploma in Dermatology from Cardiff University.
Meet our doctorsLast reviewed: 30 Apr 2020
Chlamydia - uncomplicated genital, NICE/Clinical Knowledge Summaries [accessed February 2023]
Chlamydia, National Health Service [accessed February 2023]
Gonorrhoea, National Health Service [accessed February 2023]
Gonorrhoea, Sexwise [accessed February 2023]
Chlamydia, Sexwise [accessed February 2023]
ZAVA offers a convenient and discreet service to test for sexually transmitted infections. You will receive your test kit by post. Follow the instructions provided with the test kit and collect a sample (depending on the test kit this could be a blood, saliva, urine sample or genital swab). The test kit comes with an envelope, ready to send to our partner laboratory which will analyse your sample. Once your result has come back, you will be able to view it in your secure ZAVA account. We will never send medical or personal information via email.